
Riya Patel

Software Engineering, University of Waterloo

SWE Intern @ Uber

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About Me

Hey! My name is Riya and I'm studying Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Currently on my 4th co-op working as a SWE on Uber's Platform team. Previously worked as a backend/fullstack dev at Upfront (YC), Vivid Seats, and CDK Global. I enjoy building cool things and working on projects that add value to the world. I'm currently interested in lower level stuff and building a quadruped robot, working on firmware for my school's satellite design team, and more! --> Also looking for Winter 2025 opportunities and would love to connect.

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Platform Software Developer | Sunnyvale, CA


Fullstack Software Developer | San Francisco, CA

- Fullstack dev at Y-Combinator backed startup helping merchants lower out of pocket costs of clean energy products. From finding and handling incentives to offering financing, we provide merchants with the tools to always offer the best deal in town.

- Working on Upfront Pay and more!

UW Orbital

Firmware Developer | Waterloo, ON

-Satellite Design Team: developing a cubesat - C/FreeRTOS

Women In Engineering

Outreach Director | Waterloo, ON

- Creating engineering initiatives for middle school/ high school girls

Vivid Seats

Backend Software Developer | Toronto, ON

Tech Stack: TypeScript, Express, Node, Java, Jenkins, DataDog, Postman, Jest, AWS Cognito

- Backend developer for the react native mobile app

CDK Global

Backend Software Developer| San Jose, CA

Tech Stack: NodeJS, Express, AWS DynamoDB, Terraform, Postman, Bamboo

- Developed REST APIs for automotive dealerships across US/Canada.

Midnight Sun - Solar Car Design Team

Software Developer | Waterloo, ON

Tech Stack: Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy

- Improved solar car power efficiency by creating models that calculate an efficiency score for different race loops. The models consider real-time data of the car and other factors like distance, speed limits, turns, and steepness.

Relevant Coursework

Waterloo, ON

Data Structures and Data Management, Database Management, Foundations of Sequential Programs, Logic and Computation, Digital Circuits and Systems, Combinatorics, Linear Circuits, Data Abstraction and Implementation

Koding with Klossy

Web/Mobile Developer | Los Angeles, CA

Summer scholarship program where I learned web/mobile developement concepts, and worked on projects in a team enviornment. Created a website aimed to fight period poverty and an iOS app targeted to promote diversity in STEM by providing users with unique opportunities in tech.

Girl Up

Founder & President | Cypress, CA

I founded this organization to further diversity in STEM by providing young women with unique tech opportunities. I raised $5,321 to bridge the gender gap by leading educational lectures, weekly meetings, and events involving 400+ students nationwide. Created Python workshops to enable young girls to learn CS fundamentals and build technical projects. Organized a conference with networking workshops, donation for girls’ education in Malawi, and guest speakers.

American Red Cross

President | Cypress, CA

As president of Red Cross, I led all meetings and educational lectures which aimed to inform students about disaster prep, health, and more. I organized all events and fundraisers including a blood drive which helped save 243 lives.


University of Waterloo

Sept 2021 - May 2026

Undergraduate, Third Year

Honours Software Engineering, Co-op Program


Perfect Places Plugin

Developed ChatGPT Plugin that curates a list of places based on real-time location and unique preferences. Integrated Google Maps API in endpoints made with Python/Flask to retrieve and analyze reviews. Plugin saves time by automating the process of endless scrolling through reviews to find the perfect place.


Won first place at Elle Hacks for web app that uses AI to connect users locally with others on shared passions. Built with ReactJS/MapBox API on frontend. On backend, used ExpressJS/NodeJS and Autocode to make calls to GPT-3 and Typeform Responses API to generate personalized matches.


Developed a social networking iOS/Android app with Flutter/Dart to connect interns in new cities. Implemented an interactive UI for user profile, activity feed, and liked places on maps using Google Maps API. Employed Firebase for user authentication and to store post data for restaurant/activity suggestions.

Auto-Apply Job Bot

Developed a Python script which searches and applies to jobs based on user’s personal data and goals, utilizing BeautifulSoup to scrape relevant job listings on Glassdoor and aggregate the application URLs. Employed Selenium and Chromium/Webdriver to open 200+ postings and auto-fill applications using pre- populated data in less than 30 mins.


Built an Arduino device that automates covid protocols by counting real-time occupancy. Analyzes a person’s eligibility to enter based on C++ algorithms I developed for motion/temperature sensors. Features: non-contact infrared thermometer that checks temperature as people walk in; when max cap is hit- a contactless system to collect phone numbers that notifes users upon availibilty


Built a ReactJS based web application that provides users with volunteer/donation resources to fight period poverty. Designed a responsive component-based frontend by implementing modular designs with MaterialUI. Developed a quiz to generate personalization and improve user experience by analyzing their resources and intentions.


A website created with HTML, CSS, and JS aimed to help users be digitally aware. With the increased digital usage caused by the pandemic, Cyberprint educates users on topics such as digital footprints and digital awareness. Cyberprint also has an interactive trivia game that tests users on their new knowledge.


Created an iOS mobile application with Swift dedicated to creating diversity in STEM by presenting minorities with targeted resources. Designed and programmed UI with X-Code which consolidates data such as location, grade, areas of interest to generate a personalized list of opportunities.


  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • Langchain
  • AWS
  • Selenium
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Arduino
  • Java
  • X-Code
  • Swift
  • JavaScript
  • Supabase

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